High Speed Doors

A safe solution

The standard safety features, the flexible door leaf without horizontal reinforcement profiles and soft edge bottom profile, result in a safe solution when accidentally driving or walking against the door leaf.


Standard soft edge

No damage to people and products due to flexible soft edge and curtain.


Durable and self-repairing

As a standard, the Loading Systems High Speed Door, is self-repairing after a crash over the full clear size height. 


A curtain for every situation

The Loading Systems high speed door has a 1.3 mm thick door curtain as a standard. The curtain is fitted with a vision panel at eye level. Other curtains in the product range are the 7.0 mm thick curtain or FDA certified canvas to improve the energy loss.


All curtains can be delivered in 13 different colours.


Superior seal and highly wind resistant

Our High Speed Doors are provided with a special construction which guarantees superior sealing around the entire opening. Because of this sealing, the doors are highly wind resistant (up to class 4) and can therefore also be used as exterior doors.


Beautiful design and hygienic 

The side guides of our high speed doors are made of high quality steel. Our 640, 640 FREEZ1 and 640 FREEZ2 are made of galvanised steel, whilst the side guides of the 640 FOOD are made of high-quality stainless steel. All high speed doors come with covers for the drum and engine in the same material. All drives are IP65 certified to prevent damage caused by water and moisture.